Your Bod
School is starting! Here's how to get a great night's sleep every. single. time.
Maintain a sleep schedule
Get in sync with your body’s sleep cycle. First, see how long you need to sleep to feel energetic (note: this doesn't mean you're bounding out of bed in the morning, just that you feel well-rested and ready to take on the day). Then, plan to sleep that many hours every night, leaving yourself half an hour after you hop in bed to drift off. Don't ruin the schedule with naps or extra-long weekend sleep-ins, though—you'll end up regretting it.
Drop the iPhone! Try not to look at any screens (including your phone or TV) for a full hour before bed. It may be tempting to catch a quick hour of your fave show on Netflix or update your Facebook status, but the artificial light created by computers, cell phones and other electronics suppresses your body’s melatonin production, making it more difficult to fall asleep.
Get out of bed
Find your mind spinning with thoughts and emotions? This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s time to take a break and get out of your room. Taking a little walk or reading a book or magazine in another location can help relax and ease your mind.
Take a few moments to meditate and practice deep breathing. Meditation helps quiet and calm the brain, preparing it for sleep and relaxation. Ahhh.....
How do you get your sleep schedule back in business for BTS? What helps you fall asleep? Let us know below!
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POSTED IN sleep, I can't fall asleep, always tired, sleep tips, get more sleep, health