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From our editor-in-chief: The best 30 things I've learned at Girls' Life in 30 years

Thirty years ago today, I was sitting on the steps of a printing plant in Mendota, Illinois, flipping through the pages of the very first copy of Girls' Life. It was such an impossible dream to me then—and it still is. 

It's hard to even put into words what the last three decades have been like. Has it been a lot of work? Heck yes. Has it also been a lot of fun? Absolutely. But what has truly been the highlight is the people who pour their passion into every single issue. I doubt this magazine would have lasted three years, let alone 30, if it weren't for the incredibly talented individuals who write, edit, design, photograph, model, make up, style, sell, strategize and simply show up and get done whatever needs to get done. They are the heart and soul of GL

And then, of course, there's YOU: every girl who picks up an issue in hopes of being a little smarter or a little happier or a little healthier because of what we have to share. Without you believing in what we do, we would never believe in ourselves.

And that brings me to #1 on my list of the "The Best 30 Things I've Learned at GL in 30 Years." At the end of the day, life is never about the start of something or even the end of something. It's about the moments in between. It's about everything and everyone along the way.

2. Question everything. Don't believe everything on social media. And, while you're at it, don't believe everything adults tell you. At no other time in history have facts and truth mattered more. Learn what (and who) to trust like your future depends on it. Because it does.

3. Never be afraid to say no. And never be afraid to say yes. Examples? No to things that scare you in a bad way. Yes to things that scare you in a good way.

4. Trust your gut. Hardly original, but out of all of the very good advice we've doled out during the past three decades, this is the one bit I know for sure will never fail you.

5. Toxic people and frenemies are a real thing. If you suspect anyone of being either, stay far, far away.

6. The best person to look out for you If you're really lucky in life, you'll have friends, parents, teachers, coaches and other caring adults by your side. But at the end of the day, the only person who can look out for you 24/7 is you. That's the real reason to develop a system of values, beliefs and boundaries. 

7. Take money seriously. Studies show that girls are told to save but boys are taught to grow wealth. From investing in the stock market to investing in yourself as an entrepreneur, get yours.

8. Stop comparing. I'll spare you the "nothing is what it seems on Insta or even in real life" speech and share instead that when you look to others, you diminish your own unique talents and voice. Sure, be inspired and motivated by the accomplishments of those around you, but never at the expense of honoring who *you* are.

9. Who you are now is not who you will be one year from now, five years from now or 10 years from now. If you want proof, Bridgit Mendler appeared solo on our cover twice—first as an actor, then as a singer. She then went on to get a master's degree from MIT (and is working on her PhD) and just earned a law degree from Harvard. She's currently the CEO of Northwood Space, which is seeking to create a "data highway between Earth and space." Just sayin'. 

10. Dream big. When I was 12 years old, I decided I wanted to start a magazine when I grew up, despite having no clue how to do it and no connections in publishing. Thirty years after that day in Mendota, I am still living that dream. If I can do it, you can. 

11. If you can, keep friends from every stage of your life. As you get older, they are the best reminders of who you are...and how far you have come.

12. Get a job. Any job. Water plants. Walk dogs. Babysit. You'll discover and develop parts of yourself that you can't through school or sports or friends or family.

13. Learn to cook. Whoever killed home ec class was an idiot. I needed to eat three times today and had to solve zero quadratic equations.

14. Grades matter if you want to get into an Ivy League school (and if that's your thing, great). Learning facts, figures, dates and details will help you ace tests. But learning how to think critically will help you ace life. That's taking all those facts, figures, dates and details, translating them into knowledge and transforming that knowledge into ideas. That's the sauce. 

15. On a related note, you are not your grades. Getting an A doesn't make you a genius, and failing at something doesn't make you a loser. No one is good at everything—and that's sort of the point. Find *your* thing.

16. Mean girls will always exist. But can we all just decide to be nicer to each other once and for all? Like, it's a choice, people. 

17. But if someone does want to dull your shine? Ignore them. Not everyone is going to like you and that is...not your problem. Try to turn down the volume on negativity and turn up the volume on those who truly want the best for you.

18. Crushes will always be confusing. Except when it's the right person at the right time. Then everything just flows.

19. No, really, let me save you a billion hours of your life: If you honestly can't figure out if they like you, they probably...don't. 

20. Life isn't always going to perfect, but sometimes it can rather be amazing.

21. You'll have bad days. Really bad days. And you'll have really, really good ones. Thirty years later, I can only recall two of those bad days. But I can remember dozens of good ones. Everything gets brighter, I promise.

22. Plan for the future. But know that the chances of successfully predicting it are pretty much equal to the chances of my cat doing algebra. Life is full of wonderful twists and turns that your vision board could never even imagine. Your job is to manage them, not force them into a narrative.

23. But also work hard: Talent, passion and ambition only get you so far. Be willing to put in the extra effort when other people won't.

24. Fashion trends come and go—but personal style is forever. As long as it makes *you* feel good, wear it (and, yes, I am writing this while wearing a pair of cowboy boots I bought the first year of GL). 

25. Three decades of quizzes later, I can confidently tell you there's only one way to truly know if someone likes you: Ask. But, like, right after you take our quiz.

26. Appreciate your body. It does amazing things. And what other people think of it is their problem, not yours.

27. Listen to intuition. If something feels wrong to you, it's because it is.

28. You can always learn something new about yourself. You can also make the same mistakes over and over if you want. Opt for the former, because tomorrow is another day...why not make it a better one?

29. Celebs *are* different from the rest of us. Taylor Swift truly is a magical unicorn sent here to bless us all.

30. Celebrities aren't that different from the rest of us. They blow their noses, inhale pizza, put on zit cream and, once, I even had to loan a celeb my bra (don't ask). 

Hey, girl! Just wanted to let you know that this piece originally ran in our April/May, June/July and August/September 2024 issues! Want more? Read the print mag for free *today* when you click HERE.

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by Karen Bokram | 7/12/2024