Dear Carol, I want to start by saying thank you so much for your column! You make me feel good about myself by normalizing all the weird things I’m going through. I am now in desperate need of advice. Almost a...
Dear Carol, I am 14 and I go to a small middle school that ends in eighth grade. I have amazing friends, but even the most amazing people can't understand you perfectly. That may be my fault. I tell them so...
Dear Carol, Now that I'm back at school after Christmas vacation, I’m drowning in work and feeling very anxious. - Too Many Tests Dear Too Many Tests, You’re not the only student feeling anxious right now. Keep powering through so you can do well...
Dear Carol, Do I really need to write thank-you notes for every present I get? My mother thinks I do. - Thank-You Notes Dear Thank-You Notes, You don’t necessarily have to dig up paper, pen, envelope and stamps, because a quick thank-you call or...
Dear Carol, So many people buy me things I hate, but I’m way too scared to admit it. If it’s my friends, they won’t talk to me. If it’s my grandmom, it’ll make her feel bad. -Presents I Hate Dear Presents I Hate, You’re...
Dear Carol, I like a boy who doesn’t like me back. I even asked him if he liked me, and he said no. I told everyone I hated him, but I really still like him. I know I should move on...
Dear Carol, I’m 13, and for about two years, I’ve been listening to audiobooks to fall asleep, particularly a certain few which I know well. Now I can’t sleep without them. This poses a few problems, like at the summer camp...
Dear Carol, I’m worried about the holidays. Why? Because half of my family is happy about the election and half isn't. My mom’s parents and my dad’s parents disagree on politics. This will be the first time everyone is seeing each...
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