If you have some trouble concentrating on schoolwork, eating too much junk could be to blame. Conversations about school nutrition are on the rise with Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and Michelle Obama's campaign for Americans to eat better, and...
There's this girl in three out of four of my classes, and she smells REALLY bad. It's not like a one-day thing; it's been consistent since the beginning of school. She's a nice girl, but she smells so bad...
Here’s a school assignment for you: Surround yourself with a group of gals whose unique qualities will help you to make the most of every semester. These are the pals you’ve gotta have in your circle from morning announcements until...
I go to a school where there’s this one girl who made me mad to the point where I wanted to beat her up twice, but the teacher was there. She took it way too far when she pushed...
Lotsa teens get anxious about being "well rounded" enough for college -- but overdoing it on the extracurriculars might not be the best way to go either. Don't get us wrong, it's great to be involved in clubs and...
My math teacher is super-weird and obsessed with math. He teaches us all of these weird strategies to solve problems and he makes us teach our parents what we learned as a homework assignment...EVERY DAY! Sometimes I think about switching...
The Sitch The assignment: Recite Hamlet’s famous “To be or not to be” speech from memory. Piece of cake—you know it cold! It’s your turn, and the nervous butterflies have started an all-out war in your belly. You flub a line...
Who knew fall would come so soon? You’re back in school, cruising on autopilot, but your mind’s still in summer mode. Gettin’ yourself to focus on work is wayyy harder than you remember. Well, chica, it’s time to shift gears...
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