How to have helpful friends

Here’s a school assignment for you: Surround yourself with a group of gals whose unique qualities will help you to make the most of every semester. These are the pals you’ve gotta have in your circle from morning announcements until the dismissal bell rings…
The Head Cheerleader
No pompoms or flirty skirt required, this girl is packin’ a healthy wallop of wahoo! When you feel less than motivated, she’s the go-to gal for a tender lovin’ shove in the let’s-get-it-done direction. Why? She has loads of energy and an infinitely sunny outlook on life.
The Study Buddy
She’s not necessarily the smartest girl in your grade, but she’s right up there in conscientiousness. You know, that trait that warms teachers up to you so they give ya bonus points just for quality of effort. This girl is sooo down with it.
The Guidance Counselor
It’s hard to concentrate in class when something super-heavy is crunching your brain. Maybe you had to bury your pet, or you’r ehaving a major blowout with your BF after three-and-a-half weeks of bliss. Ah, trouble in paradise.
Look to your no-nonsense pal to put it into perspective for you. She’s rational, low-key and keeps everything top secret.
The Role Model
She’s the yearbook editor a grade ahead of you—and you want her post when she moves on. Or it’s that girl on your gymnastics team who always scores gold.
Tune in to how she crops an image or sticks a dismount. Let her pave the way for you to join her on the pedestal.
POSTED IN studying secrets, grades, make friends fast