Balance Your Sched and Be the Best You

Lotsa teens get anxious about being "well rounded" enough for college -- but overdoing it on the extracurriculars might not be the best way to go either.
Don't get us wrong, it's great to be involved in clubs and sports teams, but playing on the soccer team, heading up the yearbook, leading the orchestra and managing swim team bake sales can cause your grades to suffer. It's all about balance, girlie!
Don't bite off more than you can chew
Going to meetings everyday is manageable at the beginning of the year -- but come midterm time, you'll be wishin' you had more time to hit the books. Drop the things you're not too involved in or don't love. It goes without saying that you should keep any commitments like leading a club, but if it's not your passion and it's eating up your time, you might want to think about dropping it next year.
Pick activities you love It's tempting to sign up for every club that sounds even remotely interesting. You want to meet new people and try new things, and joining groups is a great way to do that. But it's more effective to join just two or three rather than 10 -- you'll get to know people better, and you can get involved in a cause or activity that you really love instead of getting only partially involved in a lot of things. Get involved Don't go too far in the opposite direction! Definitely try to get involved in something. It'll help you meet new people and learn new things, but the point is that you should pick a few activities you love, and ditch the random clubs you joined to pad your resume. Your grades will thank you!
POSTED IN studying secrets, grades, extra curricular, make friends fast