My teacher's a weirdo

My math teacher is super-weird and obsessed with math. He teaches us all of these weird strategies to solve problems and he makes us teach our parents what we learned as a homework assignment...EVERY DAY! Sometimes I think about switching to the other math class, but I hear the teacher’s pretty mean. At least my teacher is nice. What should I do?
Hey, girl. Sorry to hear you’re frustrated with your teach’. School can be way tough, so when ya add a not-so-hot teacher on top of that, it can get a bit stressful.
Be open-minded
Your teacher’s a tad strange and you’re not used to his teaching methods. Instead of being weirded out, go ahead and give ’em a try. Just because his strategies are diff than the norm doesn’t mean they’re bad. In fact, you may find they’re actually pretty helpful.
Teaching = Learning
My high school physics teacher had us teach each other people homework probs too. It was way tough, but truth be told, it helped me a lot! Teaching is the best way to learn. It forces you to really know the material and answer questions you may never have even thought about. You may not like it, but your teacher’s actually on to something.
Weigh your options
If your teacher is a little offbeat, that’s not such a biggie. But, if he’s a bad teacher, that’s different. Consider your options. If your teacher’s strange but pretty good, you may want to stick it out. But if you find you’re having a hard time understanding the material, find out more about other teachers and how hard it would be to switch classes.
Talk things out with mom and dad. If you decide you wanna switch classes, it’s a good idea to get a guidance counselor involved too. Not gonna switch but still worried? Make an appointment with your teach’ and your ‘rents to figure out how you can do better in class.
I know it’s tough, but hang in there—I know you can do it.
Good luck,
POSTED IN teacher trouble