5 quick moves to a totally toned Y-O-U!
Trainer Michael George crafted a workout that’ll get you fit from head to toe. Just in time for the first day—yay!
1. Burpees
Start with your feet together and your hands by your side. Squat down,
and then jump your legs back into a plank position. Return to the squat
and jump straight up. Repeat 15 times.
2. Squat with a bicep curl
Start with your feet slightly wider than your hips, holding on to
5-pound weights. Slowly squat down, curling your elbows. Return to start
and repeat 15 to 20 times.
3. Alternating lunges with shoulder press and side lateral raises
Start with your weights in your hands. Step forward and sink into a
lunge. Bend your elbows to curl the weights up. When they almost reach
your shoulders, flip your wrists and press the weights up. Slowly return
your arms to start and step your leg back in. Repeat on the opposite
side and continue until you’ve done 15 reps on each side. Repeat the
lunges—like in the last move—but instead, raise both arms to your sides
up to shoulder height. Slowly return your arms to start and step your
leg back in. Repeat for 15 reps a side.
4. Standing glute kickback with tricep kickback
Start with your feet together, with weights in both hands. Bend your
left arm so your elbow is jutting back and your weight is by your rib
cage. Keeping your toe pointed and your entire body tight, gently step
your left leg back. At the same time, extend your right arm behind you.
Return to start. Repeat 15 times on each side.
5. One leg row
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with a resistance band under your
right foot. Hold the handles of your band at waist height. Lift your
left foot and balance on your right leg. Bend your arms, while lifting
up on your band. Keep balancing while you continue to row your arms. Do
15 reps on each side.
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POSTED IN health, fitness, Workouts, best-ever arm workouts, lean leg workouts