Getting back with an ex

I went out with a great guy for a few months, then I moved. It’s been a year, and now I’m moving back. I still love him, but what if he’s changed or has a new girlfriend

Should I try to go out with him or just lay low?

BILL: Wow! A year with no info? No letters? IMs? Messages in a bottle? Maybe you should send him an e-mail to catch up before you return. That might give you a clue about how he feels for you. Better to know what you’re up against.

DAVE: Guys are weird. If we weren’t, Bill and I would be just a couple of witty fellows rather than highly respected magazine columnists attempting to make sense of our gender’s behavior toward girls. Perhaps your ex hasn’t been in touch because he’s worried you have a boyfriend. But, Bill is right: Find out the situation before having visions of picking up where you left off.

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12/19/2009 7:00:00 AM