EDITOR’S BLOG: Hello, Gorgeous!

Last Saturday, my BF and I spent a day hiking through the woods in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia. All you history buffs know that was the site of a raid during the Civil War. But for those of you who snoozed through Social Studies, just know the spot is way-pretty and had amazing trails.
It’d been ages since I’d hit up a National Park, and I’d forgotten how they have stuff for all kindsa peeps. There was a short hike and a long, steep one. We did a 9-mile walk, which was great. Signs dished historic info along the way (President Lincoln went there, and didn’t wanna climb to the top!), and you could stock up on Civil War souvenirs in a couple of shops (which I soo bypassed, btw).
The best part? I spent a grand total of $6 bucks to get in. Throw in water and trail mix, and for less than a Hamilton (err, $10) I got some fresh air, exercise and learned a few new facts. What more could a girl want?
Oh yeah, check out the view!
Healthy Hearts,
Katie A.

Blog it out… Have you and your family ever taken a road trip to a National Park? Do you like to get a dose of history while you’re hiking?  
10/23/2008 7:00:00 AM