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How to make time to relax during your busy summer

The summer is here, bb! Time to take a break from soccer practice, rehearsal and three hours of HW every day...just in time for summer classes, volunteering gigs and maybe even an internship.

If you're in high school, you're prob used to packed summers that are just *as* busy (if not more) than the academic year. But summer is also the time to get some much needed R&R.

Giving your brain and body a break is so important during summer, but it can be hard if you're a busy girlie from June 'til August. Here are our top tips for using summer break to recharge...while still checking everything off your sunny szn to-do list.

Give your days a designated stopping time


Girlies working from home this summer: Listen up, whether you're logging in hours for a remote internship or slogging through your summer reading. If you work from the same bedroom where you sleep and scroll TikTok, keeping that work-life balance becomes that much trickier.

Quick fix? Pretend you have an in-person job. At school, you go home at 3 p.m. no matter what. If you feel like your at-home work or summer homework is taking over your after-hours too, try giving yourself strict working hours—say, 10 to 5 (including breaks!). At 4:30, start wrapping up your tasks for the day so you can completely turn off at quitting time and have the night to yourself for that TSITP marathon or baking sesh.

Develop a night routine


Imagine this: After dinner, you change into PJs right away, do your nighttime skincare routine then curl up with your brand new library book.

Sounds pretty dreamy, right? Even if you like staying up late during these months free from school, sticking to a cozy night routine is a great way to unwind from a busy day and make you feel like you're getting in some real relaxation time. Putting away your devices an hour or so before bed might also help you sleep (but if you're in the middle of bingeing your late-night Netflix obsession, we won't judge!).

Schedule fun plans ahead of time


Maybe you're used to texting your besties on Saturdays for an impromptu hang-out. But if everyone's sched is just as hectic as yours this summer, reaching and coordinating plans in advance will ensure that you *actually* get to see each other.

Maybe you and your friends can plan a cottagecore picnic in the park, or pick a Friday morning for a bookstore browse followed by a cute cafe moment (chai latte, anyone?). By texting the squad a few days before, you'll give everyone the chance to RSVP, plus give yourself extra motivation to get everything done before the designated day.

Factor in some outdoor time


What's the best thing about the summer? The long days and sunshine, ofc!

No matter what you're doing this summer, taking time to go on walks outside or lie in the sun on a blanket will boost your mental health and fill you up with plenty of vitamin D for the new school year.

If you're working inside or can't pop out for a sunbathing session whenever you feel like it, make sure you get at least a little bit of outside time every day when the weather is nice. If you need a break from reading The Grapes of Wrath or doing your summer math work, a quick walk around the block on a beautiful warm evening will give you just the energy dose you need *and* give you a moment of peace and calm on a day when your list of things to do is out the door.

Do you have any tips for enjoying a ~busy~ summer? Let us know on IG @girlslifemag!

Keep reading for more summer ideas:
🐚 The lazy girl's guide to a productive summer day
🌴 How to host a garden party
Simple ways to glow up your room this summer

Slider image: @haleypham
Top image: @mel.amartinez


by Ava Slocum | 6/25/2024