Tough Stuff

I like girls. Should I tell someone?

I like girls, but I’ve never told anybody. I’m so confused. I don’t know if I should talk about it or if I should keep it a secret. What do you think I should do?


Unfortunately, sweetie, there’s not one single way to handle this dilemma. Dishing on your sexuality is a very personal thing, so I can’t tell you to flat-out keep quiet or start talkin’. You need to decide what feels right for you.


If you’re still confused about what you’re feeling, talking about it confidentially might be a big help. Consider speaking with a school counselor, a therapist, a trusted adult or your BFF. Simply speaking about what’s going through your head can help you figure out what you want to do on your own. Don’t have a person to confide in? Try writing in a journal. Sorting your thoughts out on paper can help untangle your thoughts.


When (and if) you decide that you’re ready to tell people, consider if you want to come out publicly or privately to a few close friends and family members. Remember, babe: The decision is entirely up to you. Don’t let anyone force you to keep quiet or be anyone other than who you are.


Good luck, girlie, and remember GL is always here when you need an ear.

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016