Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, My crush and I like each other, but we're both super shy"
Dear Carol,
There is this guy in my youth group who I think likes me. He is really shy and is too nervous to talk to me. I’d talk to him, but I’m shy, too! What should I do?
- We're Both Shy
Dear We're Both Shy,
One of you may have to take a deep breath and say hi. Or “I like your sweater,” or “That was fun, wasn’t it?” or “See you next week.” Then meet his eyes for an extra nanosecond. Why not? Enjoy!
Carol Weston is the author of 16 books, including Girltalk, Ava and Pip and Speed of Life, a novel about a 14-year-old girl who writes to an advice columnist. Carol's audiobooks are on Spotify. More at and on Instagram @carolwestonnyc.
Read more 'ship advice from Dear Carol right here:
💟 "Dear Carol, Everyone wants me to date this boy but I'm not ready"
💟 "Dear Carol, Do I have romantic feelings for my BFF?"
💟 "Dear Carol, I'm worried that I'm losing interest in my girlfriend"
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