Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, Was I in the wrong?"

Dear Carol,

Last month my boyfriend’s best friend accused me of cheating on him (I was not). He said he had proof because he heard me wishing another boy good luck on his basketball game. In the end, my boyfriend said that if I was caught cheating again, he would break up with me. A week later, I told him I wanted to break up because I would not be under the eye of his best friend. Was I in the wrong?

- Was I in the wrong?

Dear Was I In The Wrong?,

No, you were not. I don’t like that your boyfriend’s best friend was reporting on you or that your boyfriend threatened to break up with you if you were “caught cheating again.” Being friendly to another guy is not cheating, and breaking up with this boy strikes me as sensible and self-protective. Keep getting to know new guys and girls, and keep wishing people good luck in their endeavors. Onward! You have more interesting, compassionate and confident people in your future.

Carol Weston is the author of 16 books including Speed of Life (about a girl who writes to an advice columnist). More at and on Instagram @carolwestonnyc.

Looking for more friend related advice? Check out more Dear Carol below:
"Dear Carol, My friend group refuses to make plans with me"
💞 "Dear Carol, I feel lonely even when I'm around my friends"
💞 "Dear Carol, My BFF has totally turned on me"

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by GL | 3/16/2025