Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, I'm worried about family drama over the holidays"

Dear Carol,

I’m worried about the holidays. Why? Because half of my family is happy about the election and half isn't. My mom’s parents and my dad’s parents disagree on politics. This will be the first time everyone is seeing each other, and I am dreading it. I usually love the holidays.

- Unhappy Holidays

Dear Unhappy Holidays, 

Lots of families are feeling like they’ll have to tiptoe around certain subjects this year. I have two pieces of advice. One: Avoid politics when possible. Talk about books, music, movies, TV shows. Ice skate or have a snowball fight or decorate a tree. Enjoy being together again. Two: If you want to talk about politics (or you get sucked into it), try for smaller discussions rather than 12 people shouting. And be ready to defend your opinions with facts. State, “I hear what you’re saying, but I heard him say…” rather than yelling, “How can you possibly think that?!” It’s also OK to say, “Let’s agree to disagree.”

Carol Weston is the author of 16 books, including Girltalk, Ava and Pip and Speed of Life, a novel about a 14-year-old girl who writes to an advice columnist. Carol's audiobooks are on Spotify. More at and on Instagram @carolwestonnyc.

Need more family advice? Check out more Dear Carol: 
"Dear Carol, My mom keeps invading my privacy"
💗 "Dear Carol, I'm worried that my family doesn't like me anymore"
💗 "Dear Carol, How can I get my brother to stop vaping?"

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by GL | 11/27/2024