Tough Stuff
Depressed with no one to talk to
I'm depressed. I know I am. I looked up the symptoms and I have just about all of them. I'm not going to kill myself, because that would be unfair to my family, but I really don't want to deal with life anymore.
When I try to talk about my feelings with my mom, she says that it's because she is a bad parent and she's sorry, but that I should try to be happier. I need help and I can't talk to anyone.
Hey, hon. I’m sorry that you’re dealing with such a tough time. But it’s great that you are in touch with your feelings and trying to do something to improve the situation.
Talking to someone about what’s getting’ ya down is def the way to go. If your mom can’t hear it, then try chatting with your school counselor, your doctor or another trusted adult. You do need to seek help, and talking with an adult who can hear what you’re going through and guide you in the right direction is essential.
You deserve to be happy and enjoy school, make friends and just be the great girl you are. After you’ve had the chance to talk with someone about how you’re feeling, you might want to try writing a letter to your mom. It sounds like it’s really tough for her to hear what you’re going through, but maybe if you were to write down your feelings and explain that trying to cheer up is not working, her emotions wouldn't cloud her ability to see the situation for what it is.
Good luck girl—I know you'll find some help. Also try these resources:,, And you can try this teen help line either online or by phone: IN problems with my parents, dealing with depression, therapy