Your Bod

Is your body trying to tell you something?

Feeling under the weather but not exactly sick? Your body might be trying to tell you something. Check out four common problems (and how to fix them!) below...

"I'm always so sleepy."

Constant drowsiness can stem from a number of factors, including lack of sleep (duh!), eating too little or more serious causes like anemia or depression. If you're getting your 8 hours and eating well, it might be time to see a doc.

"My lips are chapped all the time."

Are you always reaching for your Chapstick? You might be dehydrated. Make an effort to drink water throughout the day, and cut down on sugary sodas and juice. Ultra-moisturizing lip products like Carmex and Vaseline can also be your BFFs. (P.S. Sometimes, constant Chapstick application can make things worse, so try applying a thicker product less frequently.)

"I have a constant headache."

Ugh, headaches are the worst. But if they're plaguing you constantly, you might be too stressed out. If you're not getting enough sleep, eating enough or are constantly freaking out or clenching your jaw, your noggin could be feeling the effects. Have a healthy lifestyle but still in pain, even after popping some pain relievers? Take a trip to the doc.  

"My stomach gets upset a lot."

Constantly feeling nauseous or running to the bathroom? Don't freak. Bathroom problems can stem from a number of factors, like stress or an untreated intolerance to something like dairy, gluten or even caffeine. If you've cut things out, are feeling zen and still have no relief, talk to your doc. You could be suffering from IBS or acid reflux.



Do you have any persistent body probs? Let us know below!

We want to hear from you! Send us your weirdest body questions here (seriously, we'll answer anything!) and it just might get featured.


by Kiara Richmond and Kimberly Uslin | 2/1/2016