
Love your legs with one ace move

Feelin’ a li’l ‘meh’ toward your gams this spring? Ditch the apathy and fall head over heels—literally! Add this one move to your exercise routine three times a week and you’ll see a difference in no time flat. Now on to nailing that surf’s up strut…


The inner-thigh drop


Lie on your back, and extend your legs straight in the air. Position your feet over the hips, and keep knees and ankles together. Contract your abs, and relax your arms by your sides.


Lower your left leg out to the side, keeping it straight. Go as low as you comfortably can while keeping your torso stable. If you feel any strain on your back, raise the open leg higher. Use your inner thigh muscles to bring the leg back up. Perform 10 times slowly, and then switch legs.



by Martica Heaner | 2/1/2016