Spread this on everything: Tuscan kale pesto

Makes about 1 3⁄4 cups
1 bunch black kale
2 large cloves garlic
1⁄2 cup pine nuts, toasted
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp kosher or coarse sea salt
1⁄8 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1⁄2 cup extra virgin olive oil
Using a sharp knife, trim kale, separating leaves from stems and center ribs. Discard stems and ribs or save for other uses. Coarsely chop leaves; you should have 12 to 14 cups, loosely packed.
In a pot of boiling water over medium heat, blanch kale for 5 minutes, until softened but not limp. Drain and immediately rinse with cold water until kale is at room temperature. Drain.
Using food processor fitted with the metal blade, chop garlic. Squeeze handfuls of kale to extract excess liquid and transfer to work bowl. Add pine nuts, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Pulse just until chopped and combined. With the motor running, drizzle oil through the feed tube until pesto is puréed and blended but not pasty. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
Note: To toast pine nuts, cook them in a dry skillet over medium heat, stirring often, for 2 to 3 minutes, until golden and aromatic. Transfer to a bowl to cool.
Excerpted from The Complete Leafy
Greens Cookbook by Susan Sampson © 2013 Robert Rose Inc.
Reprinted with publisher permission.
POSTED IN vegetable, dinner, healthy recipes, fall recipes, vegan recipes, easy party food, after school snacks