In the News

Walk It Out

Like you and your besties, the kids of Lecco, Italy were used to riding the standard-issue yellow buses to school. Until recently. The New York Times reported 450 kids from 10 diff elementary schools have been walking to school in a whole new way.

Yep, each morning the kids of Lecco walk to school in what's called a piedibus, which means “foot bus” in English. There is a supervisor (like a driver), but no vehicle! They stand at their usual bus stops and get picked up by the piedibus as they walk by. How cool?! The change came in an effort to fight childhood obesity and to protect the environment.

At one school, over half of the students take the walking buses. An even though most of the routes are a little less than a mile, they have eliminated 100,000 miles of car travel and prevented a lot of pollution.

Does your school have anything similar? Do you walk to school? What do you think of the walking bus?


by Jess Hofmann | 2/1/2016