Girl Talk: Static Cling


I am desperate and I need help! I have a girl in my grade who is nice, but thinks I am her BFF. She clings to me non stop. I've asked her to give me space, but she doesn't seem to understand. She doesn't have any friends because she is bossy. She apologized to me in the beginning of the summer, but now that I am going back to school and I want to keep our distance. How can I avoid her without being mean?'


You must be a really cool chick for this girl to want to cling on to! Anyways, you've talked to her once about the situation already and you think she apologized without really understanding. I think she needs another talk. Don't avoid her because that will either make her want to cling to you even more or make things between you and her uncomfortable.

When you talk to her again, make sure she understands. Keep your cool and say everything in the gentlest way possible. After all, you don't want to hurt her feelings. But this doesn't mean you should break off all ties with her. You should try inviting her to hang out with you and a group of friends so she can meet other people instead of nagging you all the time. If know someone with similar interests, set up a play date so they can get to know each other.


9/8/2007 1:01:28 AM