I Feel Invisible!

My mom is always aggravated at me for no reason and when I ask her for one-on-one time she always brings her boyfriend!  Even when my mom and I are in the middle of important conversations, her BF comes and interrupts. My mom ends up ignoring me and talks to him instead. I’ve discussed it with her and it doesn’t help.

Hey Invisible,
Your mom may be going through something and may need her boyfriend's support when it comes to dealing with important decisions in her life.
Try talking to your mom again with an open mind but plan everything you want to say to her ahead of time. Jot it down on a piece of paper and practice so you'll feel more confident when the time comes to talk to her. Tell your mom that you want to talk to her in private and say that whatever you have to say is JUST between the two of you. Tell her everything that you wrote...but don't blame her! Let her know how everything is affecting you,  but don't point fingers. 

You could also ask them your mom they're acting so close lately. Maybe there's a specific reason that this is happening. You know how it feels when you find a cute new crush? It might be like that for your mom. She might be sooo happy to have a new BF that she just wants to spend so much time with him. That's great for her, and it's awesome that she's happy. Tell her that you're glad she's found such a great BF, but you miss mother-daughter time. Ask her if she wants to do something totally girly – like get mani/pedis, bake brownies or watch a chick flick. 
If your Mom is not getting the idea after this discussion, than maybe you should talk to her boyfriend about how you feel. He may even feel bad about what this situation is doing to your relationship with your mom. Always start with "I feel" statements so that your Mom or her boyfriend will understand where everything is coming from. And don't get flustered! Your mom loves you and everything is going to get better once you tell her how you feel.

                                                        <3 Sherryn D
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2/28/2009 7:00:00 AM