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30 Insta captions for your next BFF photo shoot

Struggling to think of the perf tagline to go along with the cutest snap of you and your BFF? Don't worry, we've got you covered.

Girls who slay together, stay together

Guess which one is the bad influence ;)

A better duo than ketchup & mustard

Just two nightmares dressed like a daydream

Me & my life support.

We took 100 versions of this same pic

Did we get our good side?

You can't find ice cooler than us

We deserve our own reality show

My fave adventure buddy


Just a little codependent.

The PB to my J

Flyer than a Boeing

If you're ever tired of being known for who you know, you know you'll always know me

Talk of the town

Basic, but we like it that way

Room for two more?

Taking over IG today, the world tomorrow

Call us Blair & Serena

Ever seen two pretty best friends?


Friends to the end

Everything's better in pairs

Casually the coolest

U + me = forever

Don't hate us cause you ain't us

Black cat + golden retriever

We can meet in the space between <3

How could I be bored with you?

The #1 comedian in my life

My future maid of honor

Tag us in your next BFF post for a chance to be featured @girlslifemag!

Top image: @momonatamada
Slider image: @momonatamada


by Hana Tilksew | 6/24/2024