GL: The series focuses a lot on friendship and having your friends’ backs. What’s one activity you love doing with your friends?
Lauren: My friends and I like to be outside. The other day, we made homemade fishing rods and caught 15 fish. Things like that are lots of fun. [And] almost all of us—except for me—have trampolines, so we just bounce and bounce for hours. Sometimes, we put a water balloons on them and jump around, trying not to get soaked.
Ariel: A lot of the things I enjoy doing with my friends are on the show, such as horse riding, sleepovers, chatting, dancing and singing. [But] my favorite thing of all would be shopping. Besides riding, there’s nothing I love more than buying the latest fashions or window shopping, admiring the up-and-coming designers. I go shopping with the two girls I lived with during filming Aisha (Desi) and Marny (Veronica) [almost] every weekend and we have an amazing time. I just wish Lauren and Vic could be there, too.
GL: How is it dealing with school and working?
Ariel: Because of g and other various productions, I am often away from school for long periods of time. That first day I come back to school is so overwhelming but I absolutely love it. I love seeing all my friends again, the classrooms, and, believe it or not, even the teachers. It’s a great feeling to know, even though you’ve been away, you really haven’t been forgotten.
GL: What might people be surprised to learn about you?
Lauren: I really like to do crazy stuff. If I’m bored, for example, I might slide down the stairs in a sleeping bag (but I don’t advise you to try it!). Or if my friends and I are bored, we’ll have fights with plastic swords. But the other thing I love to do is pull pranks on people—usually my sister’s unsuspecting friends.
Victoria: I love working with colors, blending them to make other colors, doing makeup and I really enjoy painting. I love being active, playing soccer, gymnastics and many other athletic things.
Ariel: I would have to say my hidden talent is my freaky memory. I can remember things from when I was a baby to what I did 5 minutes ago in exactly the same way. I remember every detail: how it happened, what I wore, where I was, what smell there was, who was there and absolutely anything you ask me. It always freaks my family out, but I love it!
The Saddle Club Rides Again airs on public television stations, so check your local listings.