GIRL TALK: Potty Mouth
My best friend is great! But I have one small problem with her; she uses bad language and at times can be very inappropriate! I try to tell her but it never comes out right, and I really need her to stop. I want to keep the friendship, but she just needs to tone it down a little! Sometimes I can feel very uncomfortable with her and I don’t know what to do or say. Help!
I understand your concern. Nothing is more unattractive than a girl that swears like a sailor. Her behavior casts you in a bad light and you don’t want people judging you based on who you hang out with. You can’t really control how she acts, but the next time she lets out a curse word and behaves in a way that is just down right inappropriate, speak up. Say, “Hey girl, you probably didn’t mean it but right now is not the time or place to be acting like that.” She may be completely unaware of her behavior. Saying something will draw attention to it and help her clean up her act. You guys don’t need to be uber polite 24-7, but there is a time and place for certain behavior and it’s important to know what’s appropriate and what’s not. If she continues to behave like an uncivilized human being, distance yourself from it. Once she realizes that she is pushing people away she will hopefully get her act together. Its unfortunate that people get judged based on who they hang out with but it’s the truth, especially when you’re around adults or in a mature setting. My dad ALWAYS took a second to point out kids who were acting inappropriate when we were out to dinner or at the movies. As annoying as it was, it really made me aware of how I carry myself. You want people to look at you and think “Wow, what a well mannered, well rounded, graceful girl.” You don’t want them thinking, “ Who invited the circus.” Its practice for your adult life, always look to impress.
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