Found: The best bangs for your face shape
{realted}Bangs are a great way to instantly transform your look—especially for back-to-school. But how do you know which style you should get? The first step is to determine what will flatter the shape of your face the most. We’ve broken down the basic face shapes and are showing you what bangs will look best with your shape to help you avoid any major hair disasters at the salon. Score!
Face Shape: Oval, like Lea Michele
An oval face will be longer than it is wide with the forehead being slightly wider than your chin. Features such as your jawline will be rounded and there will be no hard angles on your face.
The bangs for you: Oval faces are the most versatile when it comes to bangs since they can pull off nearly any style. Straight across bangs, side swept, angled or textured bangs are just a few of your options so you are free to choose to your heart’s (or your hair’s) content.
Face Shape: Square, like Angelina Jolie
A square face has very angular, straight features. Your forehead and your jawline are about the same width and the edges of your chin and forehead have sharp corners.
The bangs for you: Side swept bangs are great ways to help soften the hard angles of a squarish face. These bangs should be no shorter than your brows and should get longer as they go down your face. You can also try a fringe that goes all the way across the forehead but keep the pieces on the side longer than the hair in the middle to help round out the edges of your face.
Face Shape: Heart, like Jennifer Lawrence
A heart face has a wide, high forehead with strong cheekbones and the chin comes to a distinct point.
The bangs for you: Long, layered, side-swept bangs will create a balancing effect between the bottom of your face with the top by drawing most of the attention towards your eyes.
Face Shape: Diamond, like Kerry Washington
A diamond face is characterized by a narrow forehead and chin, with the cheekbones being the widest and most prominent point of the face. The main difference between diamond face shapes and heart shapes is the hairline. Diamond face shapes have a narrower hairline while heart face shapes have higher hairlines.
The bangs for you: Blunt, straight-across bangs highlight the high and defined cheekbones that these faces are known for. Spray a little anti-frizz serum to help your bangs stay in place all day long.
Face Shape: Round, like Emma Stone
A round face is widest at the cheekbones and your jaw is curved. There are no hard angles and your features have softer edges.
The bangs for you: Textured, side-swept bangs will help you create angles and make your face appear longer. The angles created by these bangs will add contrast to your face while creating a slimming effect to rounder features.
POSTED IN hair repair, Beauty, hair, tips,