Why do guys brag about other girls liking them?

Why do guys always talk about how many other girls
like them? He’s my BF, why do I care if other girls like him?! Is he worried
I’m going to break up with him?
Dave: Every guy, on
some level, is worried his GF is going to dump him. There’s always some amount
of confidence that’s lacking. Your guy isn’t talking about other girls because
he’s planning on dating them. Perhaps he’s not hearing you tell him nice things
so he’s trying to give his ego a little boost with some self-promotion. The
more you tell him you like him, the less you’ll hear about other chicks
feelling the same way.
Bill: Open the movie
page in the newspaper. Look at any movie ad and what do you see? Testimonials.
“Best movie of the year!” “Best movie of the decade!” “Best movie of the
millennium!” Why? Because they work. Any girl who says she doesn’t care a
little bit that other girls like their BF is probably not being totally honest.
But your BF needs to make sure he’s doesn’t go overboard on his self-promotion.
After all, he should be calling you “Best GF of the millennium!”
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POSTED IN guys, Dating, GL's best guy advice, boyfriend Q & A, weird guy stuff, Advice, advice from Bill and Dave