Shy - An original poem

Hey babes! Here’s a cute poem written by a GL reader just like you. From one shy girl to another, we totally know where this chica is coming from! Leave your critiques (and tips for talking up cuties!) in the comments.



You've seen the boy
You think he's cute
But when he's around
You just go mute

He's in your classes
But you've never talked
You really hope
He doesn't think he's being stalked

You've never met
But who's to blame?
You're pretty sure
He doesn't know your name

But who knows?
Maybe one day you'll say hi
But that's only if

You can stop being so shy

Want to showcase your work? Whether you like to dabble in creative writing, swoosh some strokes on a canvas or snap pics, send us your poems, short stories and artwork to OR just click “Submit Your Own” below.


Plus! Love to sing, dance, act or play an instrument? Shoot over a video of your star-worthy performances! It could be featured right here!



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by GL Reader | 2/1/2016