Am I too picky when it comes to guys?

I really want a BF. But it seems all the decent guys are taken, and I don’t want to go out with a total jerk. Am I being too picky?
Bill: Not wanting to be with a jerk is smart, not picky. But the decent guys who are taken might become free next week. And the total jerk might turn out to be a pretty nice guy once you get to know him. Don’t push too hard just to have a BF. If you get in a relationship with Mr. Wrong, you might not see Mr. Right went he comes along.
Dave: What would Ginger on Gilligan’s Island do? Did she go out with Mr. Howell (married), the Skipper (out of shape and too old), Gilligan (come on, Ginger and Gilligan?) or the Professor (geek)? Nope, she waited. It’s a good rule to live by. Just don’t wear the same dress for six years.


by Bill and Dave | 2/1/2016