Ignorance - An original poem

Hey babes! Here’s a powerful poem written by a GL reader just like you. Please leave your critiques in the comments.

It makes me angry
How can you not care?
So caught up in your own little world of
“true love” you forget in a week
“best friends” you betray in a year,
I don’t care about your problems.
Do you know why?
Do you know why?
Because you don’t care about theirs.
Right now
And I mean right now
People are dying.
They are forced into slavery.
In India, Nigeria, China, Belarus
In the United States.
Human trafficking.
They are being violated.
And you don’t care.
In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt
There are human rights violations
The basic needs every human has are not being fulfilled.
But because it doesn’t affect you
Why listen?
I’m sure you have sympathy. I’m sure you feel bad about it.
Hear a sad story and it’s such a pity.
Then it is over.
But it isn’t over.
For them, remember?
You don’t bother to learn when that is all it takes
Learn about the issues.
Demand support! Demand help!
All you have to do is

Want to showcase your work? Whether you like to dabble in creative writing, swoosh some strokes on a canvas or snap pics, send us your poems, short stories and artwork to youwroteit@girlslife.com OR just click “Submit Your Own” below.


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by GL reader | 2/1/2016