First Day - An original poem

Hey sweeties! A GL reader wrote this poem for her little sister, who is starting middle school this year. Tell us what ya think in the comments please.


First Day

The first day of middle school
Is so scary that it makes you shiver,
And goose bumps rise from your arms,
It’s scary from the moment you walk in the door
And you can feel the floor
Sinking in as your knees tremble
And it’s a feeling you remember
Since it’s the moment you realize the world is much bigger than the playground
And there are going to be some ups and downs,
You realize there is no more painting and story book reading
It’s now all about book reports and where at lunch you’re eating.

You find that the day is divided into six parts
With different classes, teachers, and subjects,
The teachers seem friendly but you’ve heard they can be mean
And you notice how this school is bigger than you’ve ever seen
You need lockers and gym clothes
You see everyone texting on their phones
You have to be in class on time so don’t get lost,
Since detention is where you have to pay the cost.

It’s the first step into another world
And even though you step in as a boy or girl
You come out a stronger and wiser young adult
That you would have never imagined when you first stepped through that door,
All of a sudden middle school seems smaller
And everyone is starting to grow taller.
These are the times you remember
So have fun,
Since before you know it
Those three years will be done.


Good luck as you head back to school, babes!


Want to showcase your work? Whether you like to dabble in creative writing, swoosh some strokes on a canvas or snap pics, send us your poems, short stories and artwork to OR just click “Submit Your Own” below.


Plus! Love to sing, dance, act or play an instrument? Shoot over a video of your star-worthy performances! It could be featured right here!



by GL Reader | 2/1/2016