Take It Back To Yesterday - An original poem

Hey babes! Take a look at this fab original poem written by a GL reader just like you! Be sure to tell us what ya think in the comments.


Take It Back To Yesterday

take it back to yesterday.
When I could still love you,
and we always had something to say.
think of tomorrow.
How you'll start talking to her,
and drown me in sorrow.
move into today.
Right now as I'm in your arms,
and everything feels okay.
don't ever forget.
Girls can play tricks,

and she's played the meanest one yet.

Want to showcase your work? Whether you like to dabble in creative writing, swoosh some strokes on a canvas or snap pics, send us your poems, short stories and artwork to youwroteit@girlslife.com OR just click “Submit Your Own” below.

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by GL Reader | 2/1/2016