5 cute ways to ask him to the dance
Bake it
Food is the way to a guy’s heart. Bake him some brownies or cookies, and put your decorating skills to the test. With something like the Cake Mate icing pouches, write one word on each brownie (or cookie!) In the end, when he puts the treats together the message should read “Wanna go to the dance?” Looking to be extra sweet? Get heart cookie cutters to give them some shape and feeling.
Treasure it
Have a friend give your guy a clue. Send him to different hotspots you guys have visited, and leave a new clue at each. The last clue should lead him to you at the spot that means the most. While there, give him the last note that asks him to be your date.
Balloon it
Stick a note that asks him out inside a balloon. Blow the balloon up, slap a “Pop me!” stickie on it and attach a string. He has a car? Attach it to his door handle. Or tie it to his mailbox. What a surprise!
Video it
Get creative and make him a YouTube vid. Show it through flashcards—or clips of messages you wrote in sidewalk chalk. Worried someone else might see it? Make a new account, set the video as private and give him the username and password to watch.
Egg it
Who said this egg-celent fun has to stop with Easter? Fill different eggs with candy, but have one contain your special message. Place them in his yard (in a locker) or something feasible where he can find them all. He’ll open each one to a new treat—but, clearly, the best will be your Q.
What’s the cutest way you've asked a guy to the dance? Blog about it, babes.
POSTED IN Dating, GL's best guy advice, how to get a BF, crush crash course, dance, snag a date to the dance