"I never have time to workout!"

It can be totally tough to make time for exercise. But with some clever thinking, you can get a great workout in (even without a gym membership or any equipment). Here's exactly what to do to fit exercise into your day.

For some girls, getting up an hour early and jogging solves the no gym/no equipment dilemma. For others, it's not that easy, but it's not impossible. Just get into a routine. Maybe you'll spend a half hour exercising right after school. Or you'll do short, 10-minute bursts as study breaks. Or you could sign up for a rec league team to stay in shape. No matter what you pick, make a point to stick with something. Once it becomes habit, you def won't wanna break it.

As for exercises you can do without equipment, there are tons! Think back to gym class: push-ups, sit-ups and jumping jacks all get the job done. Mix in more modern stuff (like Pilates--try borrowing a DVD from the library) and you'll be on your way to getting buff.


by GL | 2/1/2016