I Want My Period

I haven't gotten my period yet and it seems like everyone else at school has. I feel like I don't fit in without boobs or having my period. I’m so upset that I don’t have it yet and have been really sad ever since I was told we would start getting our periods. I'm 12, but will be 13 soon.
It can be frustrating when everyone around you seems to be “maturing” faster than you. But don’t fret. A lot of girls don’t get their periods until later, some until much later than 13, so you really are not the only one out there.
Every girl’s body is different, and the person who told you that there was a certain age during which you would get your period was wrong--it can come anytime until you're about 16, and not every girl gets it at the same age. There will be some girls that develop much sooner and some that will develop much later. No need to panic or feel impatient. Everything will happen when your body is ready for it!
POSTED IN period 101, stress