I started this new school about a month ago and so far nothing’s been going right. At my old school all the teachers liked me and I was super popular. Now I'm just a big joke. I was a star softball...
Whether you’ve been babysitting for six months or six years, we know you’ve got a some terrific tricks up your sleeve. Wanna be in an upcoming issue of GL? Send us your best advice for landing a job, impressing the parents, getting...
Wanna be a better student this year? Try out our top study tips. Buy a planner or calendar and use it! Try buying a planner or a desk calendar and write down all of your upcoming tests, quizzes and papers due so...
Sweet! You've got a babysitting job for a big group of kids lined up and your BFF is gonna help you out. Now it’s time for the hard part: How are you gonna make sure everything goes smoothly and fab...
I’m really good at math and science, but English just doesn’t come easily to me. I want to do better than I did last year. Any tips? Dear English is Hard, Tips? Sure! When you write papers, don’t just write them—rewrite them...
Have you ever wished you could be a reporter on the evening news? Do you look up to all those news correspondents and hope that one day you could be telling the stories of the day on live television? ...
You’ve seen the horror movies where the babysitter gets terrorized while the house is empty and the kids are asleep, right? You don’t want to get caught in a thriller just to get a few extra bucks, so follow...
Teachers grade hundreds of tests and papers each year, so you need to blow them away and show them something they’ve never seen before. Your teacher has probably read too many “What I Did Over Winter Break” reports to even...
Do *you* have what it takes to be a model?
Take our quiz to see if you're ready to strut your stuff. Then, enter our contest with Barbizon Model to make those dreams come true!
Which Blackpink member are you most like?
Which O.G. Disney Channel star would you see on tour?
What's your summer aesthetic?