New school not so hot

I started this new school about a month ago and so far nothing’s been going right. At my old school all the teachers liked me and I was super popular. Now I'm just a big joke.
I was a star softball, volleyball and track athlete but now coaches barely give me a chance. The students are still calling me the new girl. I used to get all As and Bs but now I've started failing. Also I pretty much have one friend who’s not always around so most of the time I’m alone. Please help.
Hey there, girly. Sorry to hear your transition to a new school isn’t going quite as smoothly as you had hoped. It’s tough being the new girl, but don’t worry — with a bit of effort and some time, I’m sure you’ll find your place there.
Get those grades up!
First off, it sounds like all the social stresses of your new surroundings are having an effect on your grades. Try talking to your teachers for help with your schoolwork. t’ll show them that even though you’re struggling a bit, you’re a good student who’s trying to improve. It may not seem like much, but trust me, it counts for something.
Keep up the confidence
When it comes to making friends, it’s all about how you carry yourself. Take a deep breath and try to relax. You’re an awesome gal, stellar student and a great athlete. Just stay confident. If you’re friendly and make an effort to get to know your peers, they’ll see it too.
Get involved
In the meantime, try talking to a school counselor. He or she can help you get into sports and extracurriculars, where you’ll meet buddies with similar interests. Ask your friend to introduce you to some of her besties, too. It’s tough, but if you get involved and show how outgoing you are, you’ll find friends and activities in no time. Stay strong!
I was a star softball, volleyball and track athlete but now coaches barely give me a chance. The students are still calling me the new girl. I used to get all As and Bs but now I've started failing. Also I pretty much have one friend who’s not always around so most of the time I’m alone. Please help.
Hey there, girly. Sorry to hear your transition to a new school isn’t going quite as smoothly as you had hoped. It’s tough being the new girl, but don’t worry — with a bit of effort and some time, I’m sure you’ll find your place there.
Get those grades up!
First off, it sounds like all the social stresses of your new surroundings are having an effect on your grades. Try talking to your teachers for help with your schoolwork. t’ll show them that even though you’re struggling a bit, you’re a good student who’s trying to improve. It may not seem like much, but trust me, it counts for something.
Keep up the confidence
When it comes to making friends, it’s all about how you carry yourself. Take a deep breath and try to relax. You’re an awesome gal, stellar student and a great athlete. Just stay confident. If you’re friendly and make an effort to get to know your peers, they’ll see it too.
Get involved
In the meantime, try talking to a school counselor. He or she can help you get into sports and extracurriculars, where you’ll meet buddies with similar interests. Ask your friend to introduce you to some of her besties, too. It’s tough, but if you get involved and show how outgoing you are, you’ll find friends and activities in no time. Stay strong!
Good luck!
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POSTED IN bust school stress, new school, make friends fast, participate in class