Dear Carol
I want to do better in class

I’m really good at math and science, but English just doesn’t come easily to me. I want to do better than I did last year. Any tips?
Dear English is Hard,
Tips? Sure! When you write papers, don’t just write them—rewrite them. Proofread your work by rereading it silently, making edits, then reading it aloud. Delete repetitions and make sure your first and last sentences have extra punch. In class, sit up front—that will help you pay attention and your teacher will take you more seriously. When doing assigned reading, jot notes in the margins (if the book is yours, that is!) or in a notebook.
Before class, take a minute to skim these notes so that the plots and names of characters are fresh in your mind and you can contribute to the conversation. If your hand goes up, your grade will, too. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your teacher wants you to do well. Make this your best school year yet!
SERIOUS STUFF? For serious issues, don’t wait. Visit our HELP! page now.
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website:
Dear English is Hard,
Tips? Sure! When you write papers, don’t just write them—rewrite them. Proofread your work by rereading it silently, making edits, then reading it aloud. Delete repetitions and make sure your first and last sentences have extra punch. In class, sit up front—that will help you pay attention and your teacher will take you more seriously. When doing assigned reading, jot notes in the margins (if the book is yours, that is!) or in a notebook.
Before class, take a minute to skim these notes so that the plots and names of characters are fresh in your mind and you can contribute to the conversation. If your hand goes up, your grade will, too. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your teacher wants you to do well. Make this your best school year yet!
SERIOUS STUFF? For serious issues, don’t wait. Visit our HELP! page now.
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website:
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POSTED IN grades, Dear Carol, Advice