Tough Stuff
How to deal when your family is moving
Whether your parents just announced that you're relocating across the country or just across town, moving into a new house is a big deal. For one, it involves packing up everything you own (ugh, stress) and saying goodbye to entire phase of your life (ah, sad). Here's how to stay calm and keep perspective, no matter how far you're going.
Hold onto your most cherished keepsakes.
We love to get rid of old stuff as much as the next girl, but before you dump your past life, pick a few important mementos to hold onto, whether that's a special teddy bear or a collage or your favorite blanket or all of the above. (And before you pack a single box? Take a few pics of your old house, old room, old neighborhood.) Having some reminders of your old room will make your new room feel homey. And if you're moving to a totally new town? Make a major scrapbook, filled with pics of your friends, and of your favorite places around town. It might make you a little sad in the moment, but you'll be happy to have it, in the long run.
Visit the new house before officially moving in.
Sure, you wanna get the dimensions of your new room, but try to look beyond just your space. Even if you're not psyched about the move, try to find a few things you like about the new place, whether it's look of the backyard or how close your new house is to a cute coffee shop or a tulip-filled park. This way you won't focus on leaving, but rather focus on what is to come.
Don't hide your emotions.
It's easy to pack your sadness about the move away in cardboard boxes. Whether you want to keep a cheery face for your little siblings or you know the move is going to be tough for your parents, it's also important to be honest about your feelings. The might be mixed -- some excitement, some nerves, some sadness. It's all normal. Keeping a moving journal or talking with a counselor or trusted adult can help you work through what you're feeling. Yes, it's important to be optimistic, but hiding how you feel won't help in the long run.
Remember: it takes time to adjust.
You've unpacked and set up your new room, from the pics of your friends on the walls to your favorite set of lavender sheets on the bed. So why doesn't your new (maybe bigger?) space feel homey just yet? Know that it'll take time to really get settled. Yes, unpacking every last box and bag is important. But it's going to take more than that to really feel at home in your new house. Take your time and everything will slowly fall into place.
Get involved in your new community.
Finding a new job or joining a youth group or local gym can help you feel like you know your new neighborhood, before school even starts. Keeping busy can also help keep your mind on the positive. Embrace new challenges and try new things.
Moving may seem tough, but it'll force you to go outside your comfort zone and experience truly new things. It might not be easy, but you'll definitely grow as a person. And soon? You might wake up and realize you feel totally, well, at home.
Have you ever moved? If so, what advice do you have for a girl who is moving for the first time? Let us know! (And know we're sending <3 to those who are in the middle of a tough move.)