Tough Stuff
Election drama driving you crazy? Here's your great escape

Obama drama
Love him or hate him, Mr. President is stickin’ around for four more years. It’s time to stow your bellyaching and move forward…with the folks who don’t necessarily agree with you. That doesn’t mean you have to stifle your opinion. If someone asks, tell ‘em what you think. But do so politely.
Facebook fury
Your FB friends are constantly carping about moving to Canada. Or rubbing it in your face that Romney (gulp) lost. Deep breath. This sitch has an easy fix. Just hide the FB status from the friends who are more vocal about their political views (or switch the updates you see from all/most to important). Just don’t start unfriending people willy-nilly. That’ll just add to the drama.
Supper scream-a-thon
You love dear old dad, really you do, but if he mentions that the election was a sham one more time, you’re gonna turn your spoon into a catapult. Get ready to load up those peas… But wait! Before you let your veggies fly, try changing the conversation topic. If you jump in to any and every silence with an update on your swim team training or the cool book your class just read in English, Dad won’t be able to get a word in edgewise.
Best bud breakdown
All your friends want to talk about it how their candidate should have won, or how their candidate should rock your socks, too. After a day of rehashing the election, it’s totally cool to tell your chicas that your tired of talking shop 24/7. Ask ‘em to pick another topic…or you’re gonna hit the art room to get a little work in on your painting. Ciao!
Are you buds driving you totally nuts? Vent in the comments!
POSTED IN Friends, 411 on fighting with friends, bragging bestie, I'm feeling left out, sticky sibling sitches, 411 on family feuds, how to talk to parents, election, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney