Star Signs

Your New Year's resolution, based on your star sign

Let's hear it for 2024! If you're already planning your glow up and searching for a brand new rezzie, all you need to do is look to the stars...

Aries: Pick up a new hobby


New year, new hobby! You're competitive and you love to be #1, so what better way to kick off the new year than by picking up (and mastering) a new skill? Whether you want to learn to draw or jump head-first into a new sport (hiii, pickleball), this is the year of finding your true passion. It may take some trial and error, but you got this, girl! 

Taurus: Start a new morning and night routine


Happy New Year, Taurus! You absolutely *love* being pampered, so what better way to start fresh in 2024 than by starting a flawless new morning and night routine? Whether you start your morning with a quick walk outside or by reading 10 pages of a book, get a jump start on the day by doing something good for your mental health. Then wind down at night with a perfected skincare routine full of new products. Pamper yourself this year. You deserve it.

Gemini: Social media detox 


You are constantly juggling a million things at once, so take the edge off this year by removing one thing from the equation: social media. Studies have shown that high levels of social media use can lead to depression and anxiety, so cutting back on how frequently you send a Snap or scroll through TikTok could help you head into the new year with a clearer mind. You don't have to cut it cold turkey and start the new year fully unplugged––try starting by using no social media for one day a week and go from there.  

Cancer: Make your bed every single morning


As a Cancer, you are highly sensitive to your environment, so keep it as neat as possible. Your bedroom is a sanctuary for you, so keep your cozy little safe space clean by making your bed every single day. Don't just pull the comforter up and call it a day. Make your bed look fresh off the pages of a catalog. It's a great way to start your day (and year) off on the right foot.

Leo: Revamp your workout routine


Leos are known for their keen sense of stability and consistency. Start fresh this new year by revamping your workout routine. If you're used to running, try cycling. If you're a fan of the Hot Girl Walk, spice it up and mix in some pilates. Consistent physical activity is great for your mental health, and a new routine will make you eager to start the day, which isn't a bad way to kick off the new year.  

Virgo: Spend less time on your phone before bed


You're a perfectionist at heart, so keep it up this new year by perfecting your sleep game. The pre-bed enrichment time spent endlessly scrolling on TikTok may be enjoyable, but it's not good for you. Going on your phone before bed stimulates your mind, which can keep you up later and prevent you from sleeping deeply. To snooze better, put your phone down 30 minutes before bed. Read a book or meditate until you're feeling sleepy, but whatever you do, don't pick up that phone. 

Libra: Start meditating


You're *always* striving for balance in your life, so pick up meditation this year! Meditating is a great way to become more self-aware, help manage your stress and increase patience and creativity. Meditating can be a quick activity you add to your morning or night routine, and it can be personalized to you and your goals. Meditation can seem intimidating at first, but getting started can be as easy as pressing play on a YouTube video just like this one! 

Scorpio: Improve your GPA 


As a Scorpio, you know what you want and you aren't afraid to work hard to get it. When you set a goal, you stick to it (you're kinda built for new year's resolutions!). This new year, focus on your academics. Set a goal for yourself—whether you want to raise your GPA by a full point or just 0.01—and put in the work. Perfect your study routine and commit to working hard in your classes. It won't be long before you're an academic weapon.

Sagittarius: Spend time outside every day 


Spending time outdoors and reconnecting with nature is like a miracle mood boost. Studies have shown that increasing the amount of time you spend outside can improve sleep, help alleviate some symptoms of depression, make you more motivated and even boost your immune system. This can be a little tricky if you live somewhere where it gets cold, but as a Sag, you're highly adaptable and flexible, so you can make it work—even if it's just a 10-minute walk down the street in just as many layers.

Capricorn: Save your money

@ the.aesthetic.dollar

Capricorns are fearlessly ambitious. You're always setting high standards for yourself. This year, set a goal for yourself and save up to get it. Whether it's something you want to buy or a place you want to go, find out how much it takes to get there and save, save, save! Set aside a little bit every time you get paid, and by the time you are forced to think of your next New Year's resolution, you'll be flushed with cash.

Aquarius: Reconnect with reading 


As an Aquarius, you're deeply intellectual and curious, so spend a lot of time with books this new year. Whether you've always been a bookworm or you've fallen out of love with reading and are dying to get back to it, this is the year for book lovers. If you've been in a reading slump, find a book that interests you and set goals for yourself to make restarting seem less daunting. Commit to reading one book a month or set out to read ten pages a day. 

Pisces: Let go of unfulfilling relationships


Pisces take everything as a sign, so take this new year as a sign to start fresh. Let go of the friendships that aren't fulfilling anymore, or if you're stuck in a situationship you're not getting anything out of, cut it off. Don't let anyone drag you down this year, Pisces. 

Check out more star sign content: 
♏ The sitcom you should watch (or re-watch) based on your star sign
♏ What Strawberry Shortcake character you are, based on your star sign
♏ We found the crystal every star sign needs rn

Slider image: @mariamxria
Top image: @nataliezacek

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by Grace Walker | 12/26/2023