
Add these 5 things to your back-to-school bucket list

A new class schedule, fresh notebooks and a closet full of gorg autumn fits—all signs point to back-to-school season. But let's be so honest: After the excitement of The First Day passes, you quickly fall back into your normal routine and everything feels all too familiar. School can get repetitive fast, so if you're having trouble keeping things interesting, we've got you covered with the perfect bucket list...

1. Let your school spirit shine at the pep rally

Who doesn't love a fall pep rally? The marching band blaring, the cheer team busting out their best moves and a tug-of-war competition between all just screams back to school. This year, make it your personal responsibility to bring the school spirit to your gym/auditorium/bleachers. Deck yourself out in your school's colors: tutus, hair bows and face paint galore! We're talking Eras Tour outfit levels of effort, here. That "Most School Spirit" superlative will be yours in no time.

2. Attend *all* the sporting events

While we're on the topic of school spirit, we'll remind you to save some of that pep for after the final bell. Challenge yourself (and your friends) to attend allll the sporting events (well, as many as you can).

At the very least, try to watch some of your school's less popular teams compete. We love Friday night football games as much as the next gal, but your volleyball and tennis friends would love to see your support in the stands, too.

3. Get competitive in gym class

Gym class isn't always all fun and games. Running laps, hitting the weights and getting a full workout in—all before lunch—can get tiring v. quickly. If you're dragging your feet on the way to the locker room, it's time you embrace everything that gym class is.

In other words: Commit to learning a few new skills, put any embarrassment aside and don't be afraid to literally break a sweat. Challenge your gym class crew to some friendly competition and take it as seriously as you can (while still having a laugh), even if it's just for one day. One epic badminton tournament, coming up!

4. Turn your locker into your own personal art gallery

Your locker isn't just a place to store your heavy textbooks and lose your homework assignments (relatable). It's the one place in school that you can really claim as yours. What's in your locker should reflect that.

Get creative and make it a space you're actually proud of. Hang up your fave art project on the door or display a collage of doodles and notes from your friends (not that we condone passing them in class or anything...). Your locker should represent who you are, so get crafty and make it personal. Your art deserves to be displayed and admired, let's be real.

5. Make a difference in student gov

Our back-to-school bucket list is all about creating opportunities for you to experience ~everything~ awesome about being a student. What better way to get involved than by joining your school's student government? Go-getter girlies, this could be the year you finally have the confidence to run for prez.

Not your style? Volunteer to help out with a friend's campaign. At the very least, you can always talk with your student government about an issue that you feel strongly about—whether it's lobbying for better caf options, more electives on offer or a diff. hoco theme—and spark a change that way. Your ideas matter, so let them be heard!

For more back-to-school inspo, check out these related articles:
📓 This year's fall fashion vibe? All things Western-ified
🚌 The best way(s) to ask your crush to the school dance
🎒 How to set up your planner for a successful school year

Any other items on your back-to-school bucket list? Share with us @girlslifemag!

Slider image: @xokittynetflix
All GIFs via Giphy


by Melanie Dowling | 9/4/2024