3 signs you need to give your study group the boot

One of the best ways to prep for finals is to gather your gang, either friends or classmates, and study together. Forming a study group can help you help each other figure out tough material, come up with fun sayings to remember tricky details and split the work of putting together study guides and pre-tests. All those benefits are pretty stellar, but sometimes they come with a price. Is your study group toxic? Here are three signs you need to bail ASAP.
#1 You have to coerce them to get together
Study groups shouldn't be about you forcing people to do something you'll all benefit from. Sure, cajoling your chicas every once in a while is fine, but doing it every week can turn into a bore--and make you feel more like a mom than a study buddy. Besides, if your buds are less than eager to get together, chances are they'll be dragging their feet when you crack open the books, too.
#2 Your study buddies make you play teacher
If your weekly meetings turn into a tutoring sesh with you subbing in as the professor 90 percent of the time, it might be time to examine what you're getting out of your group. It's true, some people absorb and and remember information really well when they have to teach it to others--that's why you do oral presentations during class--but if it's just you regurgitating the Pythagorean Theorem every 10 minutes, it's probably time to say adios.
#3 You end up talking gossip, not textbooks
A li'l chat time is good now and then, but try to keep the gab fests at the lunch table instead of in the library. As you become absorbed in a topic that's not pre-algebra, it becomes easier and easier to avoid plugging away at your work. And before you know it, it's time to catch the late bus home--darn, another study sesh wasted! Try to find buds that you can chat with and from the libs...but who are willing to buckle down when you are.
POSTED IN studying secrets, ace final exams, smart girl secrets