3 homework apps that'll help ya get ahead

iHomework ($1.99 on iOS)
Enter homework, projects and reading assignments in the calendar and carry them over into a tidy to-do list. Add tasks in class, then sync it to your laptop when you get home.
myHomework (free app on iOS and Adroid, $1.99/year to sync with web)
Track classes and assignments and receive automatic alerts on your phone for those upcoming due dates. Plus, you can access your account anywhere thanks to an online counterpart.
iStudiez Pro ($2.99 on iOS)
Smart Summary offers a full overview of the day’s classes, events and assignments all in one place. Bonus: The grade tracker helps ya calculate your GPA. Smart!
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POSTED IN studying secrets, smart girl secrets, get all A's this year, get your act together guide, Aug/Sept 2012