Oops! How to recover from that #awkwardmomentwhen

Oops! Your forgot your new bud’s name
Sitch saver: “I’m so sorry—I’ve met so many people today, I can’t keep their names straight! What’s yours again?”
Oops! You were laughing with your ladies one sec, and the next you're flat on your bum on the cafeteria floor
Sitch saver: “Did someone leave a banana peel on the floor or something?” And then pick yourself up, laugh and pretend it never happened.
Oops! You blurt out something about totally hating how jocks strut around wearing their jerseys…and your bud is standing there, wearing her field hockey uni.
Sitch saver: “OMG, I feel like such an idiot. I mean, I hate it when it becomes a status symbol, you know? And did I mention I’m coming to the game to cheer you on?”
Oops! Your crush catches you staring. Again. In the middle of class.
Sitch saver: “Sorry! I was just looking at…(those sneakers, they’re so cool/your doodle, where did you learn to draw like that?/your cell, is that the new iPhone?).”
Oops! You’re wearing the same outfit as someone else.
Sitch saver: “Great minds think alike!” paired with a cool-girl grin.
Oops! You totally spaced out in math class, right when Teach asked you a Q.
Sitch saver: Shake your head and say, “I'm really sorry, but I'm still stuck on the last question. Do you think we could go over it again before moving on?”
Oops! Mom embarrassed you in front of everyone when she dropped you off in the morning.
Sitch saver: “She always does that!” and roll your eyes.
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