Take our "Sayonara, school year!" survey

1. What was your biggest first-day fear?
2. How did you conquer it?
3. What’s your number-one school survival secret?
4. How do you stay organized at school?
5. What are the 5 best ways to make a new friend?
6. What is your go-to first-day outfit?
7. What are your 5 resolutions for next year?
8. What’s your fave back to school-themed book, movie or song?
9. What do you want to change about how you get ready for school every day?
10. What are you most worried about for the upcoming school year?
All finished? Copy and paste the survey into the body of an email, type out your answers and send it to Put “back to school” in the subject line, please. You might be featured in an upcoming issue of GL!
POSTED IN Question of the Week