Your bestie got her heart broken! What now?

Unfortunately, breakups are a part of life most of us have to go through. Of course it hurts when it happens to you, but sometimes it’s even worse when it happens to the ones you care about most. What do you do when you get that teary phone call from your heartbroken best friend?!
1. Give her time to grieve. Grab a box of tissues and just be a shoulder to cry on. While the breakup is still fresh there is nothing like a good, ugly cry.

2. Be patient and listen. For the first week or so, be prepared to reminisce over the lost relationship, even if it happens to be the same conversation over and over again. Respond with phrases such as, “I’m so sorry this happened to you” or even “I can’t begin to imagine how you must be feeling.” Often times it helps to simply feel heard in a time of loss.

3. Send her an encouraging text, letting her of how much she is loved by you. Breakups can affect our self esteem, especially if we are the “dumpee" over the “dumper”. This might be a good time to remind her how much she means to you. Pack the text with cute emojis and describe all things you love most about her to remind her of the fabulous girl you know she is.

4. Make sure she isn't alone. Pack up her favorite candy, chips, popcorn and comfy blanket and surprise her for a junk food and Netflix night. Cheetos and chocolate have a way of being incredibly therapeutic.

5. Make her laugh! Text her funny memes or videos you might find on Twitter or Instagram. Maybe even do a goofy dance for her. She’s spent enough time crying so do the best you can to make her smile.

6. Make her a "girl power" playlist. Pack it full of songs by Beyonce, Selena Gomez, TSwift and more to help remind her of the independent and powerful girl she is.

7. Take her shopping. There is nothing like some new earrings or a bright new lipstick to pick up your mood. Anything to get her out of bed and get her mind off of him. Embracing change in the midst of a new season especially with a little retail therapy is a fun way to help your bestie rock her new relationship status with confidence.

Before you know it, your best friend will be back, better than ever and maybe even on to a new summer fling in no time.

How do you help a friend through a breakup? Tell us below!