5 lessons we can all learn from our fave TV show besties

Television isn't *just* a source of's also a place we go to for advice and learning important life lessons. There's a lot to learn from fictional relationships, so here are five of the best takeaways from on-screen BFFs.
1. Always be honest with your best friend.
Even if you think the truth will hurt them, lying to your friends is bound to cause even more problems. From sharing her deepest secret about being Hannah Montana to breaking the news that Lucas was cheating, Miley was always 100 percent straight up with Lilly.
2. No matter how uncool you think it may seem, being besties with your parents is totally acceptable.
While it’s possible for your friends’ priorities to shift, Mom and Dad will always have your best interest at heart. Rory and Lorelai are proof that although friends come and go, family is forever.
3. Fighting is an inevitable fact of life.
It’s easy to get irked by your bestie, especially after spending so much time around them. But in the midst of Serena and Blair’s constant feuding, they always found a way to forgive each other and never failed to be each other’s #1 confidants and strongest support systems.
4. Don’t be afraid of taking your relationship status from BFF to BF/GF.
Okay, sure, Ross may have always been in love with Rachel, but never in a million years did Monica and Chandler expect to end up together. If what they say is true about the importance of your significant other being your best friend, then it makes perfect sense why so many besties end up falling for each other.
5. Be there for each other, no matter what (unless it involves putting yourself in major danger).
Whether it was to provide comfort after a breakup or to help with the next A take-down scheme, Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Emily were there for each other 24/7. Never failing to remain loyal to each other allowed them to share an unbreakable bond.
Who's your fave TV duo? Let us know in the comments!
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