What's *your* love language? Find out

Your love language is exactly what it sounds like: how you feel most loved in your interactions with others. And being aware of your love language is key to letting your besties, sweetie or fam know what you need most in a friendship or relationship. Even more so, when you know the love language of your loved ones, you can be an even better friend/GF/daughter/sis to them.
There are plenty of self assessments you can take online (take the official one HERE), or you can just read the below descriptions and figure out which you think *you* are.
Words of affirmation: If you love being complimented (and, uh, who doesn't?!), words of affirmation may be your love language. Hearing positive phrases like “good job” or even “your makeup looks nice today” are what keep you going.
Physical touch: A long hug from Mom or Dad, or even snuggling with your BF after a long day, make you feel most at ease. If this is the case, physical touch is your love language. Human contact and interaction provide safety and comfort for you especially when you're stressed or going through a tough time.
Receiving gifts: Does your heart glow when you receive presents on your birthday or at Christmas? Your love language is probably receiving gifts. A thoughtful heart makes you feel most loved. When others take the time to surprise you with small gifts that let you know they were thinking about you, it makes you feel *so* loved and valued.
Acts of service: If you adore when your BFF offers to tutor you in chem class or when your parents pitch in and help you pack for summer camp, acts of service may be your love language. As the Beatles said, “You get by with a little help from your friends.”
Quality time: You're *all* about hanging out with your family on Saturday mornings or weekly fro-yo seshes with your gal pals..,which means quality time might be your love language. Undivided attention from your loved ones make you feel most loved yourself. You adore when others spend uninterrupted time with you, even if it’s just 30 minutes.
Remember, it is more than possible to have more than one love language. And next time you’re washing dishes with your mom or hanging out with your best friend, ask about their love language(s), too.
P.S. We think this is the 6th love language that definitely needs to be a thing...

We want to hear from you! Tell us what your love language is in the comments down below.
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Photo credit: We Heart It.