What to do about a fair-weather friend

I have a friend. I have known her for about 6 years. I like going to movies and ice cream etc. with her. I always call to make plans but she never calls back. I know that she is at home and not busy, especially since it's the summer. It really annoys me! For instance, I want to invite her to my birthday party and she says she will call me but I know she won't. What should I do???
Sounds like you’ve got a fair-weather friend. Every girl has one. She’s the girl who only calls you and hangs out when it’s convenient for her. be found. So what do you do? You have two options: a) let her get away with her less-than-friendly behavior, or b) call her out on it.
In the case that you decide to go with option B, you need to have a nice chat with your friend about, well, your friendship! Let her know you enjoy hanging out with her, but you don’t appreciate it when she doesn’t call back. You could also let her know this hurts your feelings and makes you feel like you’re doing all the work.
Friendship is a two-way street and right now, it seems as though you’re the only one making any effort. Give her some time to change, she may not even be aware of her behavior! But if she continues to ignore your calls, it’s time to hang up on your “friendship.”
Ciao bella,
POSTED IN Friends, bad friend, growing apart, how can I make new friends